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Internet of Things, Part 2
By admin In Uncategorized Posted January 11, 2017 0 Comments
In the last column I wrote how innovations in sensor technology are driving down the costs and increasing the availability of connected sensors.  This has the potential of truly transforming the way small businesses, and supply chains, operate.  And remember, the thought here is to highlight what any business can do–no waiting for the “big […]
The Internet Of Things (Part 1)
By admin In Uncategorized Posted February 5, 2015 0 Comments
Our CEO, Steve Brady, is a frequent contributor to and wrote a series last year on the Internet of Things. You can read this article, and the following 2 articles, at  The “Internet of Things” has been a topic of discussion for several years now and, like so many of the innovative topics […]
Rethinking The Textbook Sales Marketspace
By admin In Uncategorized Posted September 9, 2014 0 Comments
Recently a new battlefront has opened in the textbook wars: the battle between online booksellers and the on-campus bookstore. As the online resellers (, Chegg, to name but three) aggressively market on campus, the bookstores are beginning to press their “rights” under the “exclusivity clauses” of their contracts with the Universities.   The alternative booksellers […]
  • 3D Printing-Hype Or New Industrial Revolution?
3D Printing-Hype Or New Industrial Revolution?
By admin In Uncategorized Posted August 22, 2014 0 Comments
I was recently invited to pen the introduction and the conclusion to this Eye For Transport packet on 3D printing. Is 3D truly over-hyped, or could we be on the verge of the next “Industrial Revolution?”  Download the packet and see what others think, and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments. In […]
Google Glass And The Supply Chain
By admin In Uncategorized Posted August 14, 2014 0 Comments
Dr Brady is now a regular columnist with “Eye for Transport.” His first article comes from his use of Google Glass for over a year. ( Google Glass has been out “in the wild” for a little over a year and with the number of units still only in the tens of thousands Google […]
Dr Brady Speaking On CPFR And RFID, Jan 30th, 2013
By admin In Uncategorized Posted January 22, 2013 0 Comments
Dr Brady, CEO of Supply Chain Innovations Today, will be speaking at the January combined “CSCMP Roundtable” and National Defense Transportation Association” dinner event. The event will be held in the Morrison Gallery at the Penn State University Library on the Penn State Harrisburg campus, in Middletown, PA (map here). The cost for the event, […]
Visitor Survey
By admin In Uncategorized Posted July 9, 2012 0 Comments
Please, take a minute to complete the visitor survey using the graphic on the right hand side. By taking just a couple minutes out of your day you can help us understand who our readers and listeners are, and ensure we are meeting your needs. Or, just go directly to the survey.
Data Synchronization – More Than Just Shipping And Inventory Control
By admin In Uncategorized Posted July 6, 2012 0 Comments
I have spent a good bit of my time, both in private industry as well as in the military, talking about the importance of “data accuracy” and “Data synchronization.” Typically we discuss the importance of sharing the the proper handling characteristics, dimensions, and quantities involved. If we are going to plan truckloads for delivery we […]
JC Penney’s EDLP Strategy Is Sound-But Show Consumers It’s True
By admin In Uncategorized Posted June 20, 2012 0 Comments
This week’s announcement of the firing of Penney president Michael Francis is seen by many as an admission that the “every day low pricing” (EDLP) strategy won’t work in the apparel industry, and that the decision not to turn from that strategy is the decision that should have been made. They cite the reluctance of […]